Текст песни Верка Сердючка - Бабочки в моём животе

  • Исполнитель: Верка Сердючка
  • Название песни: Бабочки в моём животе
  • Дата добавления: 07.07.2020 | 10:16:03
  • Просмотров: 140
  • 0 чел. считают текст песни верным
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Текст песни

All has now been broken
On streets I dare not walk
Freedom is an illusion
I build my fences high
If there was something out there
I've learned not to expect
There's a hundred million reasons
Not to care

Don't bring your misery down on me
Wear misery's crown

As always in these matters
You broke the deal of deals
And wasted what was given
To reveal in your mess
I gave up all for nothing
Tried my best and failed
There's a thousand million reasons
Never to share again

This is now it all begins
Don't bring your misery down on me
Wear misery's crown

перевод: "Корона Горя" (Maliceth aka Алк.) «

Все вокруг разбито,
Я не осмеливаюсь по улицам идти.
Свобода теперь лишь иллюзия,
И я надстроил свои заборы.
Даже если там есть что-то
Я научился не ожидать того.
Сотни миллионов причин,
Чтобы плюнуть на все.

Не сваливай свое страданье на меня,
Неси свою корону горя.

Ты провалил дело всех дел,
По своим обычным причинам.
И потеряно, то, что было дано,
Не найти это в твоей путанице.
Я отдал все за пустоту,
Пытался сделать лучше и пропал.
Сотни миллионов причин,
Чтобы не участвовать вновь.

Это сейчас, начинается вновь.
Не сваливай свое страданье на меня,
Неси свою корону горя.

Перевод песни

All has now been broken
On streets I dare not walk
Freedom is an illusion
I build my fences high
If there was something out there
I've learned not to expect
There's a hundred million reasons
Not to care

Don't bring your misery down on me
Wear misery's crown

As always in these matters
You broke the deal of deals
And wasted what was given
To reveal in your mess
I gave up all for nothing
Tried my best and failed
There's a thousand million reasons
Never to share again

This is now it all begins
Don't bring your misery down on me
Wear misery's crown

translation: "Crown of Woe" (Maliceth aka Alc.) "

Everything is broken
I dare not walk the streets.
Freedom is now just an illusion
And I built my fences.
Even if there is something
I learned not to expect that.
Hundreds of millions of reasons
To spit on everything.

Don't blame your misery on me
Carry your crown of grief.

You failed the work of all things
For its usual reasons.
And lost what was given
Do not find it in your confusion.
I gave everything for the void
I tried to do better and disappeared.
Hundreds of millions of reasons
In order not to participate again.

It is now starting again.
Don't blame your misery on me
Carry your crown of grief.

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