Текст песни Leonard Cohen OST Прирожденные убийцы - Waiting For The Miracle

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Текст песни

В ожидании чуда

Baby, I've been waiting,
Детка, я ждал,
I've been waiting night and day.
Я ждал дни и ночи,
I didn't see the time,
Я не замечал времени,
I waited half my life away.
Я прождал половину своей жизни.
There were lots of invitations
Мне поступало много предложений,
And I know you sent me some,
И я знаю, что и ты посылала мне несколько из них,
But I was waiting
Но я ожидал чуда,
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Ждал, когда случится чудо.
I know you really loved me.
Я знаю, что ты и вправду любила меня.
But, you see, my hands were tied.
Но, видишь ли, я был связан по рукам и ногам.
I know it must have hurt you,
Я знаю, что это, наверняка, причинило тебе боль,
It must have hurt your pride
Наверное, задевало твою гордость,
To have to stand beneath my window
Когда тебе приходилось стоять под моим окном
With your bugle and your drum,
С горном и барабаном,
And me I'm up there waiting
А я сидел наверху и ожидал чуда,
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Ждал, когда случится чудо

Ah I don't believe you'd like it,
Я не думаю, что тебе бы это понравилось,
You wouldn't like it here.
Тебе бы это точно не понравилось.
There ain't no entertainment
Здесь совсем нет развлечений,
And the judgments are severe.
А приговоры очень строги.
The Maestro says it's Mozart
Маэстро говорит, что это Моцарт,
But it sounds like bubble gum
Но звучит это как жвачка,
When you're waiting
Когда ожидаешь чуда,
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Ждешь, когда случится чудо

Waiting for the miracle
Можно только ожидать чуда,
There's nothing left to do.
Больше ничего не остается.
I haven't been this happy
Я не был так счастлив
Since the end of World War II.
С конца Второй Мировой войны

Nothing left to do
Ничего не остается,
When you know that you've been taken.
Когда знаешь, что тебя взяли в плен.
Nothing left to do
Ничего не остается,
When you're begging for a crumb
Когда молишь о крошке хлеба.
Nothing left to do
Ничего не остается,
When you've got to go on waiting
Когда тебе приходится ожидать чуда,
Waiting for the miracle to come.
Ждать, когда случится чудо

I dreamed about you, baby.
Я видел сон о тебе, детка,
It was just the other night.
В одну из ночей.
Most of you was naked
Ты была почти обнажена,
Ah but some of you was light.
Но местами ты была подобна свету.
The sands of time were falling
Песчинки времени спадали
From your fingers and your thumb,
С твоих пальцев,
And you were waiting
И ты ожидала чуда,
For the miracle, for the miracle to come
Ждала, когда случится чудо

Ah baby, let's get married,
Ах, детка, давай поженимся,
We've been alone too long.
Мы слишком долго были в одиночестве.
Let's be alone together.
Давай разделим наше одиночество.
Let's see if we're that strong.
Давай посмотрим, будем ли мы крепкой парой.
Yeah let's do something crazy,
Да, давай совершим что-то безумное,
Something absolutely wrong
Что-то абсолютно неправильное,
While we're waiting
Пока мы ожидаем чуда,
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Ждем, когда случится чудо

Nothing left to do ...
Ничего не остается...

When you've fallen on the highway
Когда ты падаешь на оживленной дороге
And you're lying in the rain,
И лежишь там под дождем,
And they ask you how you're doing
А тебя спрашивают, как твои дела,
Of course you'll say you can't complain.
Конечно же, ты скажешь, что не жалуешься.
If you're squeezed for information,
Если из тебя выжимают информацию,
That's when you've got to play it dumb:
Тогда надо прикинуться глупцом:
You just say you're out there waiting
Надо просто сказать, что ты здесь ожидаешь чуда,
For the miracle, for the mirac

Перевод песни

Waiting for a miracle

Baby, I've been waiting,
Baby I was waiting
I've been waiting night and day.
I waited for days and nights
I didn't see the time,
I didn’t notice the time
I waited half my life away.
I waited half my life.
There were lots of invitations
I got a lot of offers
And I know you sent me some,
And I know that you sent me some of them,
But I was waiting
But I was expecting a miracle
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Waited for a miracle to happen.
I know you really loved me.
I know that you really loved me.
But, you see, my hands were tied.
But, you see, I was tied hand and foot.
I know it must have hurt you,
I know it probably hurt you
It must have hurt your pride
Probably hurt your pride
To have to stand beneath my window
When you had to stand under my window
With your bugle and your drum,
With a mountain and a drum
And me I'm up there waiting
And I sat upstairs and expected a miracle,
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Waited for a miracle to happen

Ah I don't believe you'd like it,
I don’t think you would like it,
You wouldn't like it here.
You would definitely not like it.
There ain't no entertainment
There is no entertainment at all,
And the judgments are severe.
And the sentences are very strict.
The Maestro says it's Mozart
The maestro says it's Mozart,
But it sounds like bubble gum
But it sounds like chewing gum
When you're waiting
When you expect a miracle
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Waiting for a miracle to happen

Waiting for the miracle
One can only expect a miracle
There's nothing left to do.
There is nothing left.
I haven't been this happy
I was not so happy
Since the end of World War II.
Since the end of World War II

Nothing left to do
There is nothing left
When you know that you've been taken.
When you know that you were captured.
Nothing left to do
There is nothing left
When you're begging for a crumb
When you pray for bread crumbs.
Nothing left to do
There is nothing left
When you've got to go on waiting
When you have to expect a miracle
Waiting for the miracle to come.
Wait for a miracle to happen

I dreamed about you, baby.
I saw a dream about you baby
It was just the other night.
One night.
Most of you was naked
You were almost naked
Ah but some of you was light.
But in places you were like light.
The sands of time were falling
The grains of time fell
From your fingers and your thumb,
From your fingers
And you were waiting
And you expected a miracle
For the miracle, for the miracle to come
Waited for a miracle to happen

Ah baby, let's get married,
Oh baby let's get married
We've been alone too long.
We have been alone for too long.
Let's be alone together.
Let's share our loneliness.
Let's see if we're that strong.
Let's see if we are a strong couple.
Yeah let's do something crazy,
Yes, let's do something crazy
Something absolutely wrong
Something is absolutely wrong
While we're waiting
While we expect a miracle
For the miracle, for the miracle to come.
We are waiting for a miracle to happen

Nothing left to do ...
There is nothing left ...

When you've fallen on the highway
When you fall on a busy road
And you're lying in the rain,
And you lay there in the rain
And they ask you how you're doing
And they ask you how are you doing
Of course you'll say you can't complain.
Of course, you will say that you are not complaining.
If you're squeezed for information,
If information is squeezed out of you,
That's when you've got to play it dumb:
Then you have to pretend to be a fool:
You just say you're out there waiting
You just have to say that you expect a miracle here,
For the miracle, for the mirac

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