Текст песни LUH. - Lost Under Heaven

  • Исполнитель: LUH.
  • Название песни: Lost Under Heaven
  • Дата добавления: 26.04.2021 | 04:24:19
  • Просмотров: 208
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Текст песни


For the longest time I have lived the life of this world without belonging to it. Stepping thru days of waking sleep, the perpetual grey of my hometown seeps into the silver linings of my dreams. Educated for a world that does not exist I find my self suitably shackled by conventions paper chains. The potential of my youth adulterated into a begrudging acceptance of freedumb in the west. My body an empty shell frequents the haunts of civilized behavior, but my mind is elsewhere. Depersonalized. Disconnected. Adrift. Those whom like brothers I once held close are now greeted as a daily nagging limitation. If I was not so numb it would pain me; the movement of glass like water gliding thru the flesh strikes me an amusing occurrence, bodily pain an absurd hang up of this cosmic joke.

This is all I have known & they say it’s the best we got here on this rock, a drift in infinite space. “There is no alternative” still triumphantly echoes off glass walls of the past 30 year’s progress, at this point I am beyond disillusionment with the things that I see and read and hear every day. I have accepted the utter fallacy of this world built around us, within its limited parameters of debate all is censorship by Omission and Bullshit on repetition. From my self imposed alienation I observe the automatic existence of the aggressively normal, as they continues to totter along the precipice of human engineered apocalypse seemingly with out the slightest understanding or interest to the consequences of this lifestyle. As this world get’s warmer, the people get colder, self-preservation becomes the rallying call of a civilization on the brink of collapse.

My understanding of existence has been reduced to a reality stranger than fiction, an all-consuming complexity made of manufactured fear, played out in tragi-comic cycles by Hungry ghosts. We have populated the void with novelty born of exploitation, incessantly trying to salvage a life that has lost all meaning. I don’t believe in it, yet I am of it, and I live it.

Lost Under Heaven.

And then another stepped into my life with the mystery of coincidence. An infinite moment passes as with one belated breath she broke the cycle life was framing. For I had been stepping like the wolf that neither needs nor wants nobody, until true love reflected the sadness in her eyes. All that was concrete fell back to sand. We knew each other in an instant for it was the recurrence of the eternal; in her eyes I saw myself, what I had become, with the clarity of truths first light. When she touched my lips I remembered to remember. Faith was inked into her arm, whilst a restlessness mapped the furthest reaches her body. We found each other looking to the formless mass above, a place that feels realer than this reality but lives only in the flickers of an ageless memory. And we stepped into the night.

In search of the miraculous our longing set sail across pathless lands, embracing this life as a game that is invented as we play. Tho we have learnt how this world works, it is still a daily struggle to accept a narrative so incapable of serving all life with dignity. We can no longer look upon our way of being on this planet with out questioning the true cost of the devaluing our species, of destroying our mutual home. Is it justified by the temporal ease of a privileged minority’s fantastic mundane? We may not believe in it, but we live it, we are implicit yet we know no guilt in our association for we were born into this.

Angst is not enough; the grey of my former understanding was the reduction of life with out majesty or danger, a comfortable cocoon of pleasantry and privileged complacency, a glass wall upon which I screamed whilst admiring my reflection, the pose with out the substance to nourish my soul, there was no alignment between what my heart sung and what my worldly pursuits frittered away.

The truth that she acknowledged within me was so fundamental that it deconstructed all that I had been trying to distract, & with this awareness it became an impossibility to return to the refuge of deadened senses, seeking oblivion in a bottle left me looking at the stars. This conclusion paves a hard path, an incontinent truth to the carefully constructed idea of myself. It pushes you to let go of that well rehearsed frown for the acceptant smile at the foot of the ladder. Acknowledging what is lost brings with it awareness to what can be found. This feeling is what we try to express thru Lost Under Heaven, a three-word label for an understanding & motivation.

Whatever happens, happens. Embracing LUH challenges you to stop trying to identify with problems or solutions, all is. All is progression & All that is held aloft with such crushing importance today will be nothing but trivia in even 10 years time if we just live it; the insanity of destroying our mutual home will be looked back upon as necessary footnote in the history of the planets evolutionary progression.

We are doing the best we can with what we know, It has got us where we are, and the balance is at breaking point; thus we must change. An inner mechanism is put into action across the collective unconscious, there is an instinctual inclination that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way in which we exist, all the power structures of old can do is provide desperate distraction as the concrete of their myth falls back to sand.

Lovers are warriors, LUH stands with all those that work for beauty, against the defeated cynicism of dead culture, all those that commit to the possibility of a better future in our life time, an idea that seems to have been long forgotten as this dystopian present has been culturally normalized. LUH teaches the practice of letting go, letting our lives become our message; finding meaning in conscious action enacting an alternative in our daily lives, We cannot change the world, but in our choices we shape culture.

There will be no resolution; but with Lost Under Heaven’s silent repetition in our heart we look to navigate this world with laughter & light,

Forever faithful to someday,

Learning to live today.

Ellery James Roberts & Ebony Hoorn.

November 5th 2015.

Перевод песни

Истина, которую она признала в себе, была настолько фундаментальной, что она деконструировала все, что я пытался отвлечь, и с этим осведомленностью стало невозможным вернуться в убежище от смертельных чувств, ищет забвение в бутылке, оставила меня, посмотрела на звезды Отказ Этот вывод прокладывает жесткий путь, недержание истина тщательно построенной идеи о себе. Он отталкивает вас, чтобы отпустить это хорошо репетировано нахмуриться для приемной улыбки у подножия лестницы. Признавая, что потеряно, приносит с ним осознание того, что можно найти. Это чувство - это то, что мы стараемся выразить через небеса, лейбл из трех слов для понимания и мотивации.

Что бы ни случилось, случается. Охватывая Luh Opplings, вы можете перестать пытаться идентифицировать с проблемами или решениями, все это. Все это прогрессирование и все, что удерживается в Aloft с таким сокрушительным значением, сегодня не будет ничего, кроме как тривия даже в 10 лет, если мы просто живем это; Безусловность разрушения нашего взаимного дома будет оглянуться на необходимую сноску в истории планетов эволюционной прогрессии.

Мы делаем лучшее, что мы можем с тем, что мы знаем, он получил нас, где мы находимся, и баланс находится в точке разрыва; Таким образом, мы должны измениться. Внутренний механизм введен в действие через коллективное бессознательное, существует инстинктивная склонность к тому, что есть что-то принципиально неправильно, в котором мы существуем, все силовые структуры старых могут сделать, это обеспечить отчаянное отвлечение, как бетон их мифа Вернуться к песку.

Любители - воины, Люх, относятся со всеми теми, кто работает на красоту, против побежденного цинизма мертвой культуры, все те, которые обязуются к возможности лучшего будущего в нашей жизни, идея, которая, кажется, давно забыта, как этот дистопиан Настоящее было культурно нормализовано. Люх учит практику отпустить, позволяя нашей жизни стать нашим посланием; Нахождение смысла в сознательном действиях, приняв альтернативу в нашей повседневной жизни, мы не можем изменить мир, но в нашем варианте мы формируем культуру.

Не будет никакой резолюции; Но с утратой под небес бесшумное повторение в нашем сердце мы смотрим навигацию на этот мир с смехом и светом,

Навсегда верный когда-нибудь,

Учиться жить сегодня.

Эллерий Джеймс Робертс и Эбони Хун.

5 ноября 2015 года.

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