Текст песни The Incredible String Band - Fair As You

  • Исполнитель: The Incredible String Band
  • Название песни: Fair As You
  • Дата добавления: 23.03.2018 | 02:15:19
  • Просмотров: 288
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Текст песни

моя прекраснейшая любовь, я живу и
учусь песням, что звенят правдой,
их мысль ясна,
их слова малочисленны,
их мелодии благоухают сосной.
любовь живёт между строк,
брошенная в свой воздушный полёт.
когда же слов не останется,
их не останется,
тогда Солнце споёт мою песню.

в лесу, влажном от рассветной росы,
когда чудо наполняет собой воздух,
я думаю, вот бы угнаться за
мелодией, что столь истинна,
чья благосклонная форма
подойдёт ко мне,
благословляя душу на каждом повороте,
и разукрашенной, как рука радуги,
столь редких оттенков,
редчайших оттенков.

Солнце, оно споёт мою песню.

My fairest love I live and
learn the songs that ring true
Whose message is plain
whose words are few
whose melodies smell of the pines
love dwells between the lines
cast upon the air to fly
when words won't do
Words won't do
The sun he sings a song

In forest moist at break of day
When wonder fills the air
I thought to pluck at break of dawn
a melody so fair
Whose gracious form
can match your own
Your soul blessed in every turn
colored by the rainbow's pen
in tints so rare
Tints so rare

The sun he sings a song.

Перевод песни

my beautiful love, I live and
I learn songs that ring true,
their thought is clear,
their words are few in number,
their melodies smell of pine.
love lives between the lines,
thrown into his air flight.
when there are no words left,
they will not remain,
then the Sun will sing my song.

in the forest, moist from dawn dew,
when a miracle fills the air,
I think, I would like to keep up with
a melody that is so true,
whose benevolent form
will suit me,
blessing the soul at every turn,
and decorated, like the hand of a rainbow,
so rare shades,
rarest shades.

The sun, it will sing my song.

My fairest love I live and
learn the songs that ring true
Whose message is plain
Are words are few
Who melodies smell of the pines
love dwells between the lines
cast upon the air to fly
when words will not do
Words will not do
The sun he sings a song

In the forest
When wonder fills the air
I thought to pluck at break of dawn
a melody so fair
Whose gracious form
can match your own
Your soul blessed in every turn
colored by the rainbow's pen
in tints so rare
Tints so rare

The sun he sings a song.

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