Текст песни The 69 Eyes - Sister Of Charity

  • Исполнитель: The 69 Eyes
  • Название песни: Sister Of Charity
  • Дата добавления: 03.03.2021 | 23:08:09
  • Просмотров: 92
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Текст песни

Would you give me the key to the empire of bliss
Gimme a substance to dismiss
Everybody"s searching for a difference
Everybody "s searching for deliverance
Gimme just another reason to live

Things you can resist
Things you cannot
They"re just framed in blood

Would you give me redemption in your kiss
Gimme something that I already miss
Everybody"s searching for a difference
Everybody is searching for providence
Gimme just another reason to live

Things you can resist
Things you cannot
They"re just framed in blood


Новый день для миссионерской деятельности.
Еще один восход солнца в твоем сердце.

Дай мне слезы несправедливости,
Ненависть преступников,
Очарование проклятых.
Правило Бенедикта. *

Я еще никогда не видел рассвет подобный этому прежде.
Слезы ночи оборачиваются бриллиантами в твоих глазах.
Перед лицом всемирного уродства
Сестра милосердия
Остается загадкой.

Любовь сияет перед враждебностью.
Еще одна рана заживает в твоем сердце.

Дай мне страхи сильных,
Козни политиков,
Разложение Западной цивилизации.
Правило Бенедикта.


Перевод песни

Would you give me the key to the empire of bliss
Gimme a substance to dismiss
Everybody "s searching for a difference
Everybody "s searching for deliverance
Gimme just another reason to live

Things you can resist
Things you cannot
They "re just framed in blood

Would you give me redemption in your kiss
Gimme something that I already miss
Everybody "s searching for a difference
Everybody is searching for providence
Gimme just another reason to live

Things you can resist
Things you cannot
They "re just framed in blood


A new day for missionary work.
Another sunrise in your heart.

Give me tears of injustice
The hate of criminals
The charm of the damned.
Benedict's Rule. *

I've never seen a dawn like this before.
The tears of the night turn into diamonds in your eyes.
In the face of worldwide ugliness
Sister of Mercy
Remains a mystery.

Love shines before hostility.
Another wound heals in your heart.

Give me the fears of the strong
Intrigues of politicians
Decay of Western Civilization.
Benedict's Rule.


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