Текст песни Sia - Bird Set Free

  • Исполнитель: Sia
  • Название песни: Bird Set Free
  • Дата добавления: 18.05.2019 | 16:15:14
  • Просмотров: 300
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Текст песни

[Verse 1]
Clipped wings, I was a broken thing
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not sing
You would wind me down
I struggled on the ground
So lost, the line had been crossed
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not talk
You held me down
I struggle to fly now

[Куплет 1]
Мне отрезали крылья, меня сломали.
У меня был голос. Но какой толк, если я не могла петь?
Ты хотел толкнуть меня в обрыв,
Но я старалась удержаться на месте.
Рядом никого не осталось, и мне пришлось пересечь черту.
У меня был голос, но я не могла говорить.
И тогда ты удерживал меня от падения вниз,
А я пыталась воспарить над пропастью.

But there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, we cannot deny
Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive
Yes, there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, but I don't wanna die, no
I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die

Но внутри нас есть порыв, которого мы боимся.
И пока мы будем сдерживать его внутри себя,
Он будет поедать нас изнутри.
Да, мы сдерживаем крик внутри себя.
Мы делаем это довольно усердно, но я не хочу
Умирать из-за этого паразита внутри.

I'm not gon' care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I shout it out like a bird set free
No I don't care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free

[Хоровой припев]
Мне плевать, если я пою вне своего диапазона,
Ибо мои песни - это мой смысл,
И я пою их для любви и для себя,
Я выкрикиваю их, как птица, вырывающаяся на свободу.
Нет, меня не волнует, если я пою вне своего диапазона,
Ибо мои песни - это мой смысл,
Я пою их для любви и для себя,
Я выкрикиваю их, словно птица, летящая на свободу.

[Verse 2]
Now I fly, hit the high notes
I have a voice, have a voice, hear me roar tonight
You held me down
But I fought back loud

[Куплет 2]
Теперь я лечу, сбивая любые препятствия своими высокими нотами.
У меня есть голос. У меня есть голос! Услышь мой крик сегодняшней ночью!
Ты пытался опустить меня на землю,
Но я атаковала тебя своим криком в ответ.

Перевод песни

[Verse 1]
Clipped wings, I was a broken thing
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not sing
You would wind me down
I struggled on the ground
So lost, the line had been crossed
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not talk
You held me down
I struggle to fly now

[Verse 1]
My wings were cut off, they broke me.
I had a voice. But what's the use if I couldn't sing?
You wanted to push me into a cliff
But I tried to stay in place.
There was no one left, and I had to cross the line.
I had a voice, but I could not speak.
And then you kept me from falling down
And I tried to soar over the abyss.

But there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, we cannot deny
Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive
Yes, there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, but I don't wanna die, no
I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die

But there is a rush within us that we fear.
And while we hold him back inside us,
He will eat us from the inside.
Yes, we hold back the cry within ourselves.
We do it pretty hard, but I don't want to
Dying due to this parasite inside.

I'm not gon 'care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I shout it out like a bird set free
No I don't care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free

[Choir chorus]
I don't care if I sing outside my range
For my songs are my meaning
And I sing them for love and for myself
I shout them like a bird breaking free.
No, I don’t care if I sing outside my range,
For my songs are my meaning
I sing them for love and for myself
I shout them like a bird flying to freedom.

[Verse 2]
Now I fly, hit the high notes
I have a voice, have a voice, hear me roar tonight
You held me down
But I fought back loud

[Verse 2]
Now I fly, knocking down any obstacles with my high notes.
I have a voice. I have a voice! Hear my scream tonight!
You tried to lower me to the ground
But I attacked you with my scream in response.

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