Текст песни Counterparts - Reflection

  • Исполнитель: Counterparts
  • Название песни: Reflection
  • Дата добавления: 07.01.2020 | 23:14:02
  • Просмотров: 203
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Текст песни

I’ve never told this to anyone. I’ve just tried to move past.
But lately it seems that my insecurities have got the best of me.
And I’m no longer in control.
No one should ever have to feel like this.
To feel like me.
Even though the good I have outweighs the bad,
The bad is what’s leaving me with sleepless nights.

I spend most of my time arguing with my own reflection.
For no apparent reason.
And it may seem as if I have all the answers,
But I’m just as lost as you.
I’ve spend the past few years trying to overcome my own misery,
But these sort of things take time, and I’m running out of mine.

So I will pray to a God that isn’t there, to a world that doesn’t hear, to anyone who will listen,
To keep me from becoming everything I promised myself that I would never be.
I do not deserve this.

Я никому это не рассказывал. Просто пытался не зацикливаться на прошлом.
Но мои же самоограничения в конце концов взяли надо мной верх.
И я больше не контролирую себя.
Никто больше не должен чувствовать себя так,
Как я.
Всё плохое перешивало то хорошее, что у меня есть.
И оно же составляло мне компанию в бессонные ночи.

Очень много времени я провел в спорах со своим собственным отражением.
Без каких-либо весомых причин.
И даже может показаться, что я знаю все ответы,
Но на самом деле я такой же потерянный, как и ты.
Последние несколько лет я провел в попытках преодолеть свою боль,
Но на такие вещи требуется время, а я же просто убегаю от себя.

Поэтому я буду просить бога, которого здесь нет; глухой мир и каждого, кто прислушается
Уберечь меня от превращения в человека, которым я обещал себе стать.
Я этого не заслуживаю.

Перевод песни

I’ve never told this to anyone. I’ve just tried to move past.
But lately it seems that my insecurities have got the best of me.
And I’m no longer in control.
No one should ever have to feel like this.
To feel like me.
Even though the good I have outweighs the bad,
The bad is what’s leaving me with sleepless nights.

I spend most of my time arguing with my own reflection.
For no apparent reason.
And it may seem as if I have all the answers,
But I’m just as lost as you.
I’ve spend the past few years trying to overcome my own misery,
But these sort of things take time, and I’m running out of mine.

So I will pray to a God that isn’t there, to a world that doesn’t hear, to anyone who will listen,
To keep me from becoming everything I promised myself that I would never be.
I do not deserve this.

I didn’t tell anyone this. Just trying not to get hung up on the past.
But my self-restraints ultimately prevailed over me.
And I no longer control myself.
No one else should feel like this
Like me.
Everything bad changed the good that I have.
And it also kept me company on sleepless nights.

I spent a lot of time arguing with my own reflection.
For no good reason.
And it may even seem that I know all the answers,
But actually I am as lost as you are.
The last few years I spent trying to overcome my pain,
But such things take time, but I'm just running away from myself.

Therefore, I will ask for a god who is not here; the deaf world and everyone who hears
Protect me from becoming the person I promised myself to be.
I do not deserve this.

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