Текст песни
New york, new york or a village in io way
The only difference is the name
Whether on main street or on broadway
IF YOU’RE ALONE they are both the same
A town's a lonely town when you pass through
And there is no one waiting there for you
Then it's a lonely town
You wander up and down the crowds rush by
A million faces pass before your eyes
Still it's a lonely town
Unless there's love
A love that's shining like a harbor light
You're lost in the night unless there's love
The world's an empty place
And every town's a lonely town
A town is a sad and lonely town
There’s no one around you
Millions of people passing by
But still you feel so alone
Unless there's love
A love that's shining like a harbor light
You're lost in the night unless there's love
The world's an empty place
And every town's a lonely town
A town’s a lonely town
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