Список исполнителей на букву B
- Battered
- Batterfly Temple
- Battering Ram
- batterista
- Battery
- BattEryJuppo
- Battle Against a True Hero
- Battle Beast
- Battle Born The Killers
- Battle Flag
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Battle Nuggets
- Battle of Britain Memorial
- Battle Of Mice
- battle of number 1
- Battle of the Future Buddhas
- Battle of the Gods
- Battle of the Gods, Эпидемия Новый Состав
- Battle Tapes
- battle toads
- Battleaxe
- BattleBlock Theater
- BattleBlock Theater Music
- Battlecross
- Battlecry Mosaic
- Battlecry и Prussian Blue
- Battlefield
- Battlefield 1
- Battlefield 1942
- Battlefield 3
- Battlefield 4
- Battlefield Band
- Battlefield BC2 Vietnam OST
- Battlefield Hardline
- Battlefield Vietnam
- Battlefield Vietnam OST
- Battlefleet Gothic Armada
- Battlefront
- Battleground
- Battlejuice, LeBrock
- Battlelore
- Battlelore - 2011, Doombound
- Battlelore...Where The Shadows Lie
- Battleme
- Battlerage
- Battleships
- Battlesoul
- BattleToads
- Battling Seizure Robots
- baTtuha
- BaTu
- Batu Akdeniz
- Batu-Khan
- Batuflex, Lvbel C5
- Batuhan Sevimo
- Batuka Cardiofit
- Batuka Latin
- Batuka Xtreme
- Batumi
- Batumi Xmebi
- Baturko
- Batushka
- batyasweed
- Batyr Shaipov
- Batyrkhan Shukenov
- batyrov
- BaTZone x Bracho
- Batzorig Vaanchig
- Batzz in the Belfry
- Bauhaus
- Bauhaus, 1981 - Mask
- Baumen
- Baumer
- baur karbon
- Baur X
- Baurito ft RusTo
- Bausa
- Bausa, Bozza
- Bausa, Ivana Santacruz
- Baustana
- Baustelle
- Bauuer
- Bauzhan
- Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Bavl
- Bawal Clan feat. Ankhten Brown, DZ SVG, Lex Luthoor, Rjay Ty
- Baxa
- BaxaBeat
- Baxan u Karwan Kamil
- baxbani feat Elexir
- BaxBanny
- Baxter
- Baxter Dury
- Baxtiyor Rahmonov
- Bay Bo, Comacan