Текст песни Псалтирь - Кафисма 15

  • Исполнитель: Псалтирь
  • Название песни: Кафисма 15
  • Дата добавления: 13.10.2017 | 00:15:08
  • Просмотров: 617
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Кафисма пятаянадесять

Аллилуия, 105.

1Исповедайтеся Господеви, яко благ, яко в век милость. Его. 2Кто возглаголет силы Господни Слышаны сотворит вся хвалы Его 3Блажени хранящии суд и творящии правду во всякое время. 4Помяни нас, Господи, во благоволении людей Твоих, посети нас спасением Твоим. 5Видети во благости избранныя Твоя, возвеселитися в веселии языка Твоего, хвалитися с достоянием Твоим. 6Согрешихом со отцы нашими, беззаконновахом, неправдовахом. 7Отцы наши во Египте не разумеша чудес Твоих, ни помянуша множества милости Твоея и преогорчиша восходяще в Чермное море. 8И спасе их имене Своего ради, сказати силу Свою, 9и запрети Чермному морю, и изсяче, и настави* я в бездне, яко в пустыни. 10И спасе я из руки ненавидящих, и избави я из руки врагов. 11Покры вода стужающыя им, ни един от них избысть. 12И вероваша словеси Его, и воспеша хвалу Его. 13Ускориша, забыша дела Его, не стерпеша совета Его 14и похотеша желанию в пустыни, и искусиша Бога в безводней. 15И даде им прошение их, посла сытость в душы их. 16И прогневаша Моисеа в стану, Аарона святаго Господня. 17Отверзеся земля и пожре Дафана, и покры на сонмищи Авирона, 18и разжжеся огнь в сонме их, пламень попали грешники. 19И сотвориша тельца в Хориве, и поклонишася истуканному, 20и измениша славу Его в подобие тельца ядущаго траву, 21и забыша Бога спасающаго их, сотворшаго велия во Египте, 22чудеса в земли Хамове, страшная в мори Чермнем. 23И рече потребити их, аще не бы Моисей, избранный Его, стал в сокрушении пред Ним, возвратити ярость Его, да не погубит их. 24И уничижиша землю желанную, не яша веры словеси Его, 25и поропташа в селениих своих, не услышаша гласа Господня. 26И воздвиже руку Свою на ня, низложити я в пустыни. 27И низложити семя их во языцех, и расточити я в страны. 28И причастишася Веельфегору, и снедоша жертвы мертвых. 29И раздражиша Eго в начинаниих своих, и умножися в них падение. 30И ста Финеес, и умилостиви, и преста сечь. 31И вменися eму в правду, в род и род до века. 32И прогневаша Его на воде пререкания, и озлоблен бысть Моисей их ради, 33яко преогорчиша дух eго и разнствова устнама своима. 34Не потребиша языки, яже рече Господь им, 35и смесишася во языцех, и навыкоша делом их. 36И поработаша истуканным их, и бысть им в соблазн, 37и пожроша сыны своя и дщери своя бесовом, 38и пролияша кровь неповинную, кровь сынов своих и дщерей, яже пожроша истуканным ханаанским, и убиена бысть земля их кровьми, 39и осквернися в делех их, и соблудиша в начинаниих своих. 40И разгневася яростию Господь на люди Своя, и омерзи достояние Свое, 41и предаде я в руки врагов, и обладаша ими ненавидящии их. 42И стужиша им врази их, и смиришася под руками их. 43Множицею избави я, тии же преогорчиша Его советом своим и смиришася в беззакониих своих. 44И виде Господь, внегда скорбети им, внегда услышаше моление их. 45И помяну завет Свой, и раскаяся по множеству милости Своея, 46и даде я в щедроты пред всеми пленившими я. 47Спаси ны, Господи Боже наш, и собери ны от язык исповедатися имени Твоему святому, хвалитися во хвале Твоей. 48Благословен Господь Бог Израилев от века и до века. и рекут вси людие: буди, буди.

* Отпусти.


Аллилуия, 106.

1Исповедайтеся Господеви, яко благ, яко в век милость Его. 2Да рекут избавлении Господем, ихже избави из руки врага 3и от стран собра их, от восток и запад, и севера, и моря. 4Заблудиша в пустыни безводней, пути града обительнаго не обретоша. 5Алчуще и жаждуще, душа их в них исчезе. 6И воззваша ко Господу, внегда скорбети им, и от нужд их избави я, 7и настави я на путь прав, внити во град обительный. 8Да исповедятся Господеви милости Его, и чудеса Его сыновом человеческим, 9яко насытил есть душу тщу и душу алчущу исполни благ. 10Седящыя во тьме и сени смертней, окованныя нищетою и железом, 11яко преогорчиша словеса Божия и совет Вышняго раздражиша. 12И смирися в трудех сердце их, и изнемогоша, и не бе помогаяй. 13И воззваша ко Господу, внегда скорбети им, и от нужд их спасе я, 14и изведе я из тьмы и сени смертныя, и узы их растерза. 15Да исповедятся Господеви милости Его, и чудеса Ег

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Kafisma fifty-five

Alleluia, 105.

Tell the Lord how good it is, for the mercy of the age. Him. 2He will chastise the power of the Lord Heard, He will make all the praises of His 3 Blessed are they who keep judgment and are creative truth at all times. 4 Remember us, O LORD, in the good pleasure of your people, visit us with your salvation. 5Brought in the goodness of Thy chosen, rejoice in the gladness of Thy tongue, to glory in Thy favor. 6 With sin with our fathers, lawless, unrighteous. 7 Our fathers in Egypt do not understand your wonders, not a remembrance of the multitude of Your mercy and pre-groaning is rising into the Red Sea. 8 And save their name for your own sake, speak your power, and forbid the Red Sea, and overseas, and instruct me in the abyss, like in the desert. 10And I am saved from the hand of those who hate; and I deliver you out of the hand of your enemies. 11 The water is covered with water, not one of them is overflowing. 12 And trusting his words, and singing his praises. 13About him, forgetting his works, not enduring his counsel, and lusting after desire in the wilderness, and tempting God in the waterless. 15And I will give them their petition, ambassador satiety in their souls. 16 And the anger of Moses in the camp, Aaron the Holy of the Lord. 17And the land was overthrown, and the Daphan was devoured, and covered with the swarms of Abiram, 18 and the fire was kindled in their host, and the sinners burned. 19 And he made the bullock in Horeb, and worshiped the graven image, 20 and changed his glory to the likeness of the bullock of a lamentable herb, 21 and forgot God, who saves them, made in Egypt the wondrous things in the land of Ham, terrible in the seas of Cherm. 23And utterly consume them, if Moses, who was chosen by Him, would not be in contrition before Him, restore His wrath, so that He will not destroy them. 24And the country despised the land that was desired, not the yoke of faith, His words, 25 and the portering in their villages, not hearing the voice of the Lord. 26 And I will put my hand on yon, and I will cast them into the desert. 27And they shall put down their seed in the heathen, and I will spend them in countries. 28 And having communed with Velephegor, and snoring the victims of the dead. 29And I provoke him in my endeavors, and multiply fall in them. 30And a hundred Phinehas, and have mercy upon him, and cast down an eleven one. 31And put him in righteousness, unto generation and generation, even to the end. 32 And he was angry with the water in the water, and Moses was angry with them for their sakes, 33 for his spirit was frustrated and his mouth was sore. 34 Without consuming the tongues, the Lord spoke to them more, and mixed in tongues, and skillful with their deeds. 36 And I worked their graven images, and were tempted by them. 37 And I have left my sons and their daughters devilish, 38 and I have poured out innocent blood, the blood of my sons and daughters, which have become rusty with graven images of Canaan, and the earth has been killed by their blood, 39and defiled in their deeds, and in the beginnings of their own. 40And the Lord was angry with the fury of his fury against his people, and his wealth is worthless, 41 and I will bring the enemy into the hands of them, and possess them that hate them. 42 And they shake on them, and subdue them under their hands. 43 I have redeemed my multitude, but I have greatly ridiculed him with my counsel, and have humbled myself in my iniquities. 44And the Lord sees them, when they are afflicted, when their prayer is heard. 45And I will remember His covenant, and repent of the multitude of His mercy, 46and I will be given to the bounties before all those who have captivated me. 47Spass us, O Lord our God, and gather ourselves from the tongue to confess your name to your saint, to glory in your praise. 48The Lord is the God of Israel from ages to ages. and all the people say: wake, wake.

* Let go.


Alleluia, 106.

Tell the Lord how good it is, for his mercy is age. 2And the Lord delights in deliverance, deliver them out of the hand of the enemy, 3 and gather their nations from the countries, from the east and west, and from the north, and from the sea. 4Less of wilderness in the desert is waterless, the path of hailstones has not been found plentiful. 5 Alchushche and thirsty, their soul in them disappears. 6 And when I cried to the Lord, afterward affliction to them, and from their needs I deliver, 7and I instruct the way of the right, to enter into the city rich. 8And the Lord's Grace will be confessed to His mercies, and His miracles will be his son's human, he will sate the soul of the soul with a soul and hunger for them to fulfill the blessings. 10Seeding in the darkness and the shadow of death, bound with poverty and iron, 11you amazed with the words of God and the advice of the Vyshnyago irritant. 12And be heartfelt in their labor, and be weary, and help not. 13 And when I cried to the Lord, when they were afflicted with him, and from their needs I saved; 14 and from the darkness and the shadow of the wilderness I am torn to pieces. 15And the Lord's Grace will be confessed, and the wonders of Eg

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